Endometriosis Series

Use this overview of articles to navigate the series and learn more about endometriosis

Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your health. Being truly informed about endometriosis and its treatment options is the only way to receive adequate medical care and successfully manage your health. Unfortunately, endometriosis has long been shrouded in myths, medical dogma, gender bias, racial bias, and misinformation. Due to the lack of knowledgeable providers, it's estimated that there are as few as 100 excision surgeons worldwide for a patient population exceeding 175 million people. Clearly there is a stark lack of support, which makes appropriate care even more scarce. This series is dedicated to bringing up to date, accurate information and resources to patients and the public.

Endometriosis Articles

  1. Endometriosis 101
  2. Symptoms of Endometriosis
  3. Causes of Endometriosis
  4. How Endometriosis Is Diagnosed
  5. Treatments for Endometriosis
  6. Surgical Treatment for Endometriosis
  7. Hormonal Medications for Endometriosis
  8. Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Endometriosis
  9. Endometriosis in Adolescents and Teens
  10. Endometriosis Resources
  11. Endometriosis Books

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